Nora Ruiz Ednacot Brozo—- faithful, loving wife of Matt Brozo, mother of three, and doting grandmother of two grandchildren. To devote more time in her spiritual journey triggered by her newfound faith in God, she took early retirement from her career as a bedside critical care nurse, a profession she executed passionately for very many long years. Born in Masinloc, Zambales, Philippines, Nora now lives in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Faced with an inconceivable journey of grief and mourning following the death of her dear son Brian, she found refuge, strength, and courage in the Biblical Truths of God as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Consumed and greatly influenced by these Truths, she made a commitment to share God’s Word with others and to work in His vineyard. Nora vowed to seek and win souls for whom Christ died.
From the day she emerged anew from the watery grave, hence began a very costly and ever painful spiritual walk. She literally faced hell and high water, mega trials that tore her to pieces, tribulations, conflicts, and sufferings. These challenges have ultimately molded, shaped, and transformed her. The oppressive enemy had Nora on his target list to derail and crush her focus and strong determination to serve the Master. The artful tactics of the enemy in Nora’s life, time and time again, may be relentless, but the wily foe is no match for the power of Jesus. There has been no turning back, nor has there been even an ounce of retreat for Nora. Multiple falls and many shed tears spoke a language that God understands, and these tears have been wiped from her face by His loving, caring hands.
By God’s pruning and intervention in her willing and submissive heart, spiritual doors bloomed and budded for Nora. Her momentary erratic footsteps to march onward and forward were in supervision of His Eyes, as the Lord promised: “and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20.
Almost immediately she pledged to visit some of her former patients in the hospital and in their homes, an outreach that was allowed and highly appreciated by patients and their families. What can be more urgent and pressing for a gravely ailing and dying patient than a repentant heart and a forgiven soul at the feet of Jesus Christ? Heavenly angels highly rejoice the fierce battle won at the bedside from a last minute change of heart and a deathbed conversion to the cross of Christ. Not a goodbye of the loving Master but His benediction of “Goodnight, dear child, see you in the morning.” We await God’s promised reunion with His children on that magnificently scheduled resurrection morning.
Convinced, determined, and focused through persistent prayer, faith, and dependence on God, Nora responded to His “Great Commission” and participated in Global Evangelism through “Share Him International”, a project of the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church. As a lay evangelist she has been to Africa, Ukraine, Cuba, and India.
All for the name and glory of God, it has become her life’s mission and singular purpose to literally bring God’s Word to homes, individuals, and families. In April, 2015 her humble local radio ministry in the Philippines was born. “The Redeeming Voice Radio Broadcasting” aspires that the name of Jesus be heard and known to all in the remote areas of the Mindanao islands, including the sizeable Muslim population. Her self-produced “Jesus, My Lord Jesus is Everything” went on the air for eight months to different provinces and regions of the Philippines in Christ’s name.
God has richly blessed and is still blessing and directing Nora’s sound vision that His Gospel will cross mighty oceans and roaring seas. With no background in radio, no eloquence, and no education in theology to hold onto, Nora is simply empowered by the Holy Spirit of the Father. These abilities and skills she never had before, never having even dreamed about in her lifetime, have been divinely bestowed upon her to execute her daunting task.
She became a member of the family of God-centred broadcasters of the Pan American Global Broadcasting. On January 7th, 2017, the overwhelmed and elated voice of one tiny layperson presenter came on for the first time through her fifteen-minute “Redeeming Voice Radio Ministry International Broadcast.” Her mission extends to every kindred, tongue, people, tribe, and nation for the glory of the Almighty Father, and to applaud His Holy name and the name of His one and only begotten Son Jesus. The meeting of time and eternity is undeniably drawing closer, much closer. The last scene of this Earth’s history is coming to a close. Heaven’s court is adjourning to man’s personal decision of being either with Him or against Him. Christ is now actively gathering those desiring entrance to the New Jerusalem.
Nora, on her knees, is wholly and continually depending on, seeking, and petitioning God that His Holy Spirit will equip and sustain her of all her needs to carry out the task she has been called to do.
Dear Readers, with great joy and gladness in her heart, Nora is soliciting your prayer for her endeavour and for all others who are pledging and undertaking to work for the Returning Master. Nora pleads and humbly prays for all of this in Christ Jesus’ holy name. Amen